Provide accurate data with COUNTER compliance
We've been delivering COUNTER audits since 2006 and work with businesses all over the world.

Amidst so much data, how do you find certainty?
Librarians and information professionals invest significantly in licensing different types of online content. To assess content usage, they need to sift through lots of data; This raises two key issues:
- Can they trust the data they’re looking at?
- Is it comparable to the other data sets they use?
Identify companies that are COUNTER compliant
Our independent audit enables you to prove your compliance with the COUNTER Code of Practice to help you secure a listing on the COUNTER Registry of Compliant Platforms.
Adhering to the COUNTER Code of Practice ensures vendors and publishers are following industry standards that deliver consistent and credible usage data.
Benefits of choosing ABC




Value for Money

Customer satisfaction
We have very high customer satisfaction scores. After every audit’s completed we ask for feedback; from the quality of our advice and the clarity of our communication, through to the accuracy of our work, organisation and timeliness.
Our overall satisfaction rate stands at 99% which represents the percentage of responses rating ABC's service as excellent or good. On average customers rated us 3.8 out of 4.

Tasha Mellins-Cohen

Kirsten Fuoti
Steps to certification
Getting to know you
Your dedicated account manager will work with you to find out your requirements an answer any questions you have about the audit process.

Preparing for the audit
Your Audit Manager will explain the COUNTER verification process and assess your business's readiness for the audit. We’ll discuss the necessary documents and evidence, offer feedback and compliance recommendations before the audit starts.

Conducting the audit
We’ll request evidence relevant to your business. Our work will include testing of user journeys to validate processes, verification of reporting accuracy and confirmation of data integrity. Your auditor will detail any actions or recommendations for remediation.

Sharing the findings
On completion of a successful audit we will issue you and COUNTER with a final report. If any issues are identified, we issue an interim report. Together, we then work to resolve these matters within a three-month timeframe. A second round of testing is conducted to confirm compliance, and a final report is issued to both parties.

Confirming compliance
COUNTER will review our report and, upon approval, acknowledge you as COUNTER compliant by adding you to their Registry.

Why become COUNTER compliant?
The benefits of our COUNTER audit include:
- Demonstrate best practice
- Promote your COUNTER compliant status
- Raise trust and transparency
- Support your customers
- Win new business

The COUNTER Code of Practice helps librarians and information professionals demonstrate the value of electronic resources by facilitating the recording and reporting of online resource usage statistics in a consistent, credible and comparable way.
To achieve COUNTER compliance, publishers and vendors must undergo an independent audit of their COUNTER reports within six months of signing the Declaration of Counter Compliance.
Audited Entities
Supported Publisher Platforms