Returns System FAQs - Business Magazines
Submitting Business Magazine data to us can sometimes be daunting, but don’t worry, we’re here to help you.
Below are some of the most frequent questions we're asked with guidance.
What numbers do I fill into my return?
We recommend you collate your circulation figures before looking at the return. You’ll need to create an ‘issue by issue’ worksheet of your own design before you start. Once you have that sheet showing issue by issue figures split by category, totals and averages, filling in the return is easy.
We recommend you have separate worksheets for ‘Print’ and ‘Digital (depending on what you are claiming).
What tabs do I fill in first?
There’s no right or wrong way. You can fill in any order, but we recommend you start on the left and move right.
Start with ‘Contact details and logo’.
There are tabs on the return for circulation categories I’m not claiming. How do I remove them?
Don’t worry. Only claim in the categories and tabs relevant to your title. You don’t need to remove the tabs that don’t apply to you.
Can I leave the return and come back later?
Yes, you don’t need to fill it in all at once. Just remember to press ‘Save’ before you leave to save and new data you've entered. You’ll be able to leave the return and come back another time.
How do I change the company details on the return?
You can’t do this in the return. This can be done by sending through the changes to us and we will sort that out for you.
How do I load my frontpage image/masthead?
This can be done via the return. More info on the image specifications (dimensions etc.)
How do I know what my audit issue is?
The Audit Issue is the issue distributed nearest to the first day of the last month in the Reporting Period.
What’s the new Personal Identifier Questions?
Latest PIQ (Personal Identifier Questions). They are changed each year and is made available at the end of each year.
On the Controlled free - Age of requests analysis, what is the maximum age allowed?
This should be no older than 5 years old.
I’ve submitted the return but I’ve spotted a mistake. What do I do?
Don’t Panic! You’ll be emailed a draft certificate. If you spot an error, please contact us and we can ‘open’ your return so you can amend and re-submit.
Please check your certificates carefully and promptly, as there is only a short time window for this to be completed.
I still need help
Check out our knowledgebase that contains lots of tips and guidance.
Alternatively, we're always available to offer advice, so please contact either your Account Manager or, our operations team on