Returns System FAQs - Regional Publications
Submitting Regional Publication data to us can sometimes be daunting, but don’t worry, we’re here to help you.
Below are some of the most frequent questions we're asked with guidance.
Can I get someone else to complete the return, but I will submit it?
Yes, you can. This can be done by setting up a sub user.
How do I load my frontpage image/masthead?
This can be done via the return. More info on the image specifications (dimensions etc.)
How do I know what exclusions I can claim over the Christmas period?
For a weekly publication you may exclude any two of the three issues published in the three-week period ending on the first Sunday after New Year’s Day. For a daily publication you may exclude issues published during the Christmas/New Year trading period, which is defined as from Christmas Eve to the second official working day after 1st January (inclusive).
How do I work out the average figures to put in my Primary Circulations?
You divide the total number of copies circulated in the period by the number of issues. You should do this by circulation type to give you the average for each.
How do I know if I can claim editions for my registered publication?
Your registered publication is considered to be the ‘Main Edition’. To claim any other editions, these must be in keeping with the overall issue, must carry a logotype/masthead incorporating the generic name, as well as the same cover date/issue identification of the Main Edition.
If I claim editions will the figures for each edition be broken out so I can show how many copies are circulated for each edition as well as the total circulation?
No, but this can be shown in the optional data.
When I’m using my ABC [Free Copies] figures to support my JICREG Readership Figures, do I have to supply them separately?
No, we will submit these figures to JICREG for you.
Under Optional data can I put post code data in here?
Yes, if you want to we can, we just need you to submit the figures on a separate excel spreadsheet.
Can I leave the return and come back later?
Yes, you don’t need to fill it in all at once. Just remember to press ‘Save’ before you leave to save and new data you've entered. You’ll be able to leave the return and come back another time.
I’ve submitted the return but I’ve spotted a mistake. What do I do?
Don’t Panic! You’ll be emailed a draft certificate. If you spot an error, please contact us and we can ‘open’ your return so you can amend and re-submit it. Please check your certificates carefully and promptly, as there is only a short time window for this to be completed.
I still need help
Check out our knowledgebase that contains lots of tips and guidance.
Alternatively, we're always available to offer advice, so please contact either your Account Manager or, our operations team on