As part of these changes, we’ve reduced the reporting period for today’s March Newsbrands report from four to three weeks (encompassing 2nd March – 22nd March). This decision was made because this shorter three week period contains, for the most part, market activity prior to tightened Government restrictions and so is comparable to previous ABC periods.
Following this period (from 23rd March 2020 and until further notice) all Newsbrands that report monthly will transfer to COVID-19 reporting. This data will be presented on special COVID-19 Certificates and will be published to our normal monthly schedule. Due to the highly unusual circumstances, this data is not seen as comparable to normal conditions. Consequently, it won’t be included in our standard reports and there’ll be no year on year comparisons.
These reporting changes have been implemented so that we can support the industry as effectively as possible during this pandemic.
For further details about our reporting changes for Newsbrands, please refer to point 1 on our Temporary changes to our standards - Exclusions document. This also contains information on rule changes for titles reporting on a six or twelve monthly basis.
You can find this document and other updates on our COVID-19 information page.
Contact us
For press enquiries, please contact Suzy Saker at or 01442 200788
To speak to a member of the client services team, please contact: , 01442 200767