ABC, the media industry’s stamp of trust across ad trading provides independently verified circulation figures for publications, facilitating the selling of advertising space across titles. As an ABC Associate, all sales made across Exact Editions platforms are accredited by ABC.
Exact Editions’ ABC accreditation, gives each publishing partner easy access to ABC verified reports on their digital circulation numbers. The ABC reports are integrated into the Exact Editions’ publisher portal, and are downloadable at the click of a button. Having accurate figures for circulation is crucial for publishers’ advertising and marketing negotiations. With the growing popularity of digital magazine and newspapers it is vital that publishers can easily access accurate figures on their digital readership.
Daryl Rayner, Managing Director of Exact Editions said: “Being ABC accredited and offering accurate reports on circulationis vital for our publishing partners. We are delighted to be able to offer the most up to date, accurate, and independently verified circulation figures for publishers.”
Jan Pitt, Group Executive Director, Client Services at ABC commented: "Reporting Digital Editions and Digital Publications on ABC Certificates continues to be key for our members. However, compiling and supplying reports from third parties to substantiate their claims is not always straightforward. It’s great to see Exact Editions achieving another accreditation in this area. I am sure their ABC accredited status will be of great benefit to publishers using their platform.”
About Exact Editions
About Exact Editions: Exact Editions is a digital publishing company based in London. We're a team of producers, developers and designers who turn magazines into dynamic and user friendly digital editions. We make magazines available for reading online, on iPad, iPhone and Android mobile devices.
About ABC
ABC inspires confidence in the market across the media world by delivering a valued ‘stamp of trust’.
ABC underpins the way billions of pounds worth of advertising budgets are traded across the converging media landscape in the UK and beyond. It has two roles:
To bring the industry together to agree standards that define media measurement and determine best practice. To offer independent audit and compliance services, delivering certification which verifies that data and processes meet the industry-agreed Reporting Standards.
ABC is governed by the industry, for the industry. ABC’s board consists of advertisers, media agencies, media owners and trade bodies. They represent the differing interests of the media industry and meet regularly to agree new standards and make strategic decisions as to how ABC is run. With Board consensus, ABC has the ability to provide certification for any platform. As advertising platforms develop, ABC continually innovates and evolves to ensure its portfolio of products and services delivers to the media industry’s needs.
ABC UK was established in 1931 and is a founder member of the International Federation of ABC (IFABC), of which ABC UK CEO, Jerry Wright, is Secretary and an Executive Board member. Richard Foan, Group Executive Director of Communication & Innovation, ABC UK, also chairs the IFABC Web Standards Group, which works to deliver global standards and establish digital good practice across the world.
business partners alike.