The ISBA Annual Conference has been a key date in the diary for the advertising industry for over a decade. The theme of this year's conference is Advertising 3.0.

Public trust in advertising is at an all-time low, advertising is seen by many as irritating, irrelevant and annoying. 

The data value exchange is all wrong. We have been taking customer data without giving them anything in return.

Advertisers are being accused of not representing society and for tokenism when they try to.

The digital advertising supply chain is still opaque and complicated.

New platforms and advertising techniques have brought with them questions over safety, legality and even societal responsibility.

And we still can’t measure it all...

ISBA's 2020 Conference on Thursday 27 February at the new venue of the Shaw Theatre at The Pullman Hotel, Kings Cross, will explore the need for a rethink in advertising.

Speakers including Alessandra Bellini, Chief Customer Officer, Tesco; Raja Rajamannar, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Mastercard; Stephan Loerke, CEO, World Federation of Advertisers (WFA); Karen Nelson-Field, Founder and CEO at Amplified Intelligence; and Christopher Kenna, CEO and Co-Founder of Brand Advance will share the importance of brand, how brand purpose has changed how brands advertise and why we need to do things differently. 

Find out more and book your ticket on the ISBA website.

About ISBA

ISBA represents the leading UK advertisers. We champion the needs of marketers through advocacy and offer our members thought leadership, consultancy, a programme of capability and networking.

We influence necessary change, speaking with one voice to all stakeholders including agencies, regulators, platform owners and government.

Our members represent over 3000 brands across a range of sectors.

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