JAA is the original independent media specialist providing strategy, planning and buying to marketers that understand that first-class media thinking delivers business growth 

As a JICWEBS approved auditor, ABC supplies the online media industry with a trusted and robust currency on which media space can be bought and sold. For more information on ABC’s audit services please go to https://www.abc.org.uk/audit-services/brand-safety


Nick Smith, Digital Director at JAA

Brand Safety and ad fraud remain fundamental challenges facing the advertising industry. The aims and ambitions of JICWEBS and the DTSG Good Practice Principles are central to ensuring the industry operates at the highest levels to instil confidence in clients and consumers alike. JAA is therefore proud once again to demonstrate our support of JICWEBS as well as highlight our commitment to ensuring media quality and transparency.

Simon Redlich, Chief Executive at ABC, said: “We are delighted to have audited JAA to the JICWEBS Digital Trading Standards Group (DTSG) Good Practice Principles. Our auditing services give the industry confidence about compliance with JICWEBS industry-agreed standards, raising the bar in the important area of brand safety.”