By renewing their DTSG seal, Media iQ have demonstrated their continuing commitment to transparency and helping the industry work towards greater online brand safety.

Jerry Wright, ABC Chief Executive, said: “We are delighted to have verified Media iQ as compliant with JICWEBS Digital Trading Standards Group Good Practice Principles. ABC’s verification service gives our industry confidence about compliance with JICWEBS industry-agreed standards and raises the bar in the important area of brand safety, a key milestone in the evolution of digital display advertising.”

Media iQ has also for the second time received the EDAA Trust Seal from independent industry Certification Provider ABC, demonstrating their continued compliance with the EU Self-Regulatory Programme for Online Behavioural Advertising (OBA).

Earning the Trust Seal is the all important step in the process for businesses committed to the Programme administered by the EDAA. The EDAA Trust Seal demonstrates that an independent check has been successfully completed each year confirming that they comply with agreed best practice for dealing with behavioural data when delivering advertising online. Providing this assurance is vitally important to the confidence and trust of consumers and business partners alike.

This certification validates Media iQ’s use of segmentation, opt-outs and privacy policies for OBA and also confirms that these policies are communicated and operated accurately. This reinforces Media iQ’s commitment to keeping its business certified by independent auditors like ABC to ensure that their clients and partners are constantly protected against any violations of compliance.

On being issued the Trust Seal, Paul Silver, Chief Strategy Officer at Media iQ, said: "We are delighted to receive the EDAA Trust Seal, following our recent certification by ABC for online behavioural advertising. Being an analytics focused, data driven business, we strongly believe in ensuring that our privacy policies enable and empower consumers to be well informed, with full control over their ability to opt out of targeted communications. This certification is a reinforcement of the commitment we have towards this belief."