The International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Certification (IFABC) has announced the election of its President and Secretary at the 31st IFABC General Assembly held in Bucharest, Romania in October 2024.

We’re delighted to welcome two new members to our board: James Chandler, Chief Marketing Officer at IAB UK, and Paul Sinker, Director of Communications at the NMA.

The IFABC (International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Certification) has launched a new website, shining a spotlight on its member organisations across the globe and providing a resource for marketers.

Our Chief Executive Simon Redlich was recently invited by AAM to share his reflections on the past year and predictions for 2024, alongside other ad industry association leaders.
Topics discussed include 2024’s biggest business challenges, what we should look forward to, and what AI’s impact might be.

We’re delighted to launch our brand new website, highlighting the wide range of data and assurance services available from today’s contemporary ABC.

We’re pleased to announce that ABC has been accredited as a Living Wage Employer.
This means that every member of staff at ABC earns a real Living Wage; an independently calculated hourly rate of pay that’s based on the actual cost of living. The real Living Wage is higher than the government’s Minimum or National Living Wage and is announced annually by the Living Wage Foundation.