Media Smart and EDAA’s new online advertising education pack explains interest-based advertising, why it exists and how young people can best manage it.
VDX.tv was awarded the TAG Brand Safety Certified Seal by the Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) after demonstrating its compliance with rigorous brand safety standards, as independently validated through an audit by ABC.
Mike Zaneis to Serve as CEO, Jules Kendrick as Managing Director UK & Europe, for Consolidated Organization under TAG Brand
A recent report by UK communications regulator Ofcom states that, among adult internet users, traditional media sources (broadcasters, newspapers, radio) remain both the most-used and most important source of news and information about the pandemic. Read more...
Following the merger of TAG and JICWEBS, we’re pleased to announce we’ve taken over management of the UK’s Viewability and AV (Audio Visual) Standards, having played an integral role in their development over many years.
ABC has independently validated 88 companies for TAG seals in first recertification process since JICWEBS merger.
TAG (Trustworthy Accountability Group) is a global industry initiative to fight criminal activity and protect brand safety in digital advertising, and TAG’s Brand Safety Certified (BSC), Certified Against Fraud (CAF), Certified Against Malware, and Certified Against Piracy Programs have been developed to address cross-industry supply chain challenges around those complicated issues.