ABC Industry Agreed Standards
ABC Standards are developed by industry Reporting Standards Groups and provide:
- Clear metric definitions and requirements
- Details of what data must be publicly reported and additional reporting options
- The types of evidence auditors need to see
This ensures the data we release is accurate and comparable, and that it’s based on consistent, factual evidence.

Reporting Standards
Magazines and Newspapers
- ABC Bulk Distribution
- Business Magazines
- Consumer Magazines
- Digital Publications
- National Newspapers
- Regional Publications
Events and Awards
Online & Digital Measurement
- Website/App Activity
- Audio/Visual (AV)
- Ad Metrics
- Email Newsletters
- Social Media
- Digital Products - Single Sales
- Digital Products - Subscription Licence Sales
- Viewability Product Principles
Brand / Group Reports
Other sectors
Other information
Reporting Standards Groups (RSGs)
Our Reporting Standards Groups (RSGs) play a crucial role in shaping the rules that govern how ABC data is prepared and reported. These groups, specific to different media sectors, comprise members from both media owners and media buyers. They convene regularly to assess and update the standards for their respective sectors, ensuring they remain aligned with emerging industry trends and practices.
You can find a list of the current members for each RSG here:
ABC Bulk Distribution | Business Media | Consumer Magazines | National Newspapers | Regional Publications
If you would like to understand how you can get involved please contact us.

Martin Hackett
Director of Standards
+44 (0)1442 200 761
Our Byelaws contain important terms and conditions relating to ABC membership, particularly in relation to publicity (section 3).
Complaints & Appeals
You can tell us if you believe:
- A member has infringed our Reporting Standards or Byelaws (including misleading or innacurate publicity claims)
- A non-member is incorrectly using the ABC Logo or data, or misrepresenting a product’s association with ABC. Find out more about use of the ABC logo and data
We will look into the alleged issue and take appropriate action.
Members may alternatively submit an official complaint using our formal Complaints Procedure (set out in section 12 of the Byelaws) using our Notification of Complaint Form. You need to be logged in to this website to access this form. If you have trouble logging in, please email us to request a form.
We publish upheld formal complaints concerning members on our website and via our eAlerts notifications. Complaints that are not upheld remain confidential.
View Complaints Procedure Summary View Upheld Formal Complaints
If you are a member and wish to appeal against a decision by our Chief Executive, either under section 12 (Complaints Procedure) or section 13 (Review Procedure), there is a standard form which you must use to request the review of the decision by our Board Panel.
Download a Request for Review Form
The purpose of this form is to ensure the appeal is linked to the allowable grounds for appeal. Please refer to the relevant clauses of sections 12 or 13 which detail when and how the form is to be used.