Sample Free Distribution - ABC Bulk Distribution
Sample Free Distribution
Free copies distributed, on an irregular basis, to specific locations for collection by the end user.
2. Prior notification of distribution details to ABC
3. Distribution must be of an existing edition claimed on the certificate
4. Reported by distribution type
1. Distribution uses an existing ABC Free Distribution method, without the need for a regular and consistent basis
The requirements of the relevant ABC Bulk Free Distribution category apply, with the exception that distribution may be of a single issue.
The Free Distribution categories eligible for reporting as Sample Free Distribution are:
Free Pick Up
Free Letterbox
Requirements relating to distribution across issues being on a regular and consistent basis and changes from previous certificates are ignored.
2. Prior notification of distribution details to ABC
You must obtain ABC’s agreement in advance of the distribution, having provided full details of timings, delivery locations etc as stipulated in the relevant Free Distribution category. This is to enable audit work to be conducted at the appropriate time, including real time testing where appropriate.
3. Distribution must be of an existing edition claimed on the certificate
The copies must be broadly similar to an existing edition being claimed on the certificate. Therefore a certificate cannot comprise copies claimed in the Sample Free Distribution category alone.
4. Reported by distribution type
Sample Free distribution will be reported by distribution category.
The same statements and breakouts reported for the constituent Free Distribution categories will be reported on an issue by issue basis.
You will report Sample Free Distribution as follows, which will be broken out on the ABC Certificate:
By total average Sample Free Distribution of the issues for the period, analysed by distribution category.
For each issue claimed:
The total Sample Free Distribution
The total analysed by distribution type, i.e. Free Pick Up, Free Letterbox.
The relevant breakouts for each distribution type. i.e. Free Pick Up Copies by distribution point type, by net and/or capped distribution, Method of Distribution Statement.
No additional guidance.