Digital Products - Single Sales - Brand Reports
Digital Products - Single Sales
A single Digital Product purchased by a consumer.
1. The single Digital Product is purchased by a consumer
2. The price paid for the Digital Product must be clear and conspicuous
3. The Digital product must be defined
1. The single Digital Product is purchased by a consumer
There must be a contractual arrangement between the publisher and the purchaser.
You must be able to provide evidence of each sale claimed and the price paid.
Digital Product claims must be audited by ABC Staff Auditors.
You must provide ABC with free access to any Digital Product claimed.
2. The price paid for the Digital Product must be clear and conspicuous
No additional requirements.
3. The Digital Product must be defined
By product name.
By a product type/description that appropriately describes the product certified. For example: an app or a game.
4. Reported by average price
In calculating the price paid for the Digital Product sales you will take into account the following:
You can ignore the value (or perceived value) of any gifts, or other incentives (including bundled publications or media products that are not claimed for ABC purposes). However cash reimbursements to the consumer must be taken into account (excluding limited low chance lottery style promotions).
If a promotion includes a gift or product that is being claimed for ABC purposes (for example a bundled copy of a publication or access to a paid website) then the price paid must be allocated according to the following, moving down the list until one can be applied:
According to the specific terms of the offer.
Where specific terms are not clear, by pro-rating the price according to the relative prices of the ABC claimed products.
Where the specific terms are not clear and in the absence of a means of pro-rating the price paid, it should be divided equally between the number of ABC claimed products included in the sale.
The Reporting Period will be a whole calendar month or any combination of consecutive calendar months (up to a maximum of 12). Note: Any Reporting Period must fall within the period covered by the relevant Brand or Group Report.
You will report Digital Products - Single Sales as follows, which will be reported on the Brand or Group Report:
The Reporting Period
By Digital Product, including name and product type/description. For example Cycling News Route Planner - App
By the total number of Single Sales claimed in the Reporting Period
By the average price paid for the Single Sales in the Reporting Period.
No additional guidance.