Demographic Analysis - Business Events
Demographic Analysis
You can choose to report demographic information about your Visitor Attendance on a Certficate of Attendance with Demographics or a Profile Certificate of Attendance.
1. You can optionally report demographic analyses
2. Visitors' demographic data analysed must be collected for the event
1. You can optionally report demographic analyses
There are two types of certificate for reporting demographics:
A Certificate of Attendance with Demographics which can include up to three tables that analyse single or multiple responses per attendee.
If you wish to report more tables, a cross-analysis table or graphics you will need to use a Profile Certificate (see section 1b below).
We will calculate and report percentages against analysed demographics based on the total visitor attendance (i.e. exhibitor attendance is not included in the breakdowns).
A Profile Certificate of Attendance:
Which will include three mandatory tables:
Geographical Analysis
Job Title/Function analysis
Company Activity analysis
You may optionally include other analyses including graphics.
We will calculate and report the percentages against analysed demographics based on the total visitor attendance (i.e. exhibitor attendance is not included in the breakdowns).
2. Visitors’ demographic data analysed must be collected for the event
You can only analyse demographics that the visitor attendee has provided whilst registering to attend either:
The show being certified; or
A show running concurrently at the same venue from which the attendee has transferred into the show being certified.
Each demographic analysis is a census of the analysed data for the visitor attendees (i.e. not sample based or extrapolated).
When completing demographic information during the registration process, the visitor must not be led to particular answers through a lack of choice. This can be achieved by the use of opt-outs such as ‘Other’ or ‘None of the above’.
Demographics captured during the registration process for a Profile Certificate must include the information required for the mandatory tables (i.e. geographical, job title/function, company activity).
Demographic information must be provided by the visitor and not pre-populated by the organiser or their bureau.
If analysing a particular demographic table, you must include all the data provided by visitor attendees when registering (i.e. you cannot be selective in what you include).
If no demographic has been collected for any particular visitor attendee (either because they have not responded or not been asked) then this must be claimed as ‘unspecified’ in the analysis.
The attendance list containing a record of all individuals that attended the event must also include appropriate coding to identify and reconcile the demographics claimed for each individual visitor attendee against the event claim.
G2. Visitors’ demographic data analysed must be collected for the event
You may capture visitors’ demographic data online, by email, over the telephone or by written registration card. The following gives examples of ways this information can be demonstrated at audit as being supplied by the visitor:
Information captured online, by email or telephone: Asking the individual providing the data to provide their name and the answer to ABC’s Personal Identifier Question (PIQ) - a memorable question set by ABC and changed each calendar year (available on our website).
If you commence a registration process for a particular event using the current PIQ and that registration process continues into the next calendar year you may opt to continue using the same PIQ for the duration of the registration process. If this option is used:
You must tell us
The event registrations that use a PIQ issued in relation to the previous calendar year will not be acceptable as a valid source in support of an ABC magazine claim, where the start of that previous calendar year is more than three years from the date of distribution of the magazine’s audit issue.
In the case of information obtained via telephone: Recording the telephone calls in a manner that can be made available for review at audit. If you would like our advice on whether a call recording system might be acceptable please contact us. Note: It remains your responsibility to comply with any legislation regarding the recording of telephone conversations.
It may help if a copy of the information captured online by email or telephone campaigns is kept in its original state as once this data is entered or merged onto a main database the audit trail evidencing the collection of the data can be lost. You may also consider retaining orders/invoices from external contractors evidencing the work carried out in this regard.
You are advised to retain copies of online forms/screenshots or telephone scripts to provide evidence of questions asked and responses recorded.
In the case of information captured by written registration card, retain copies of the original cards for the audit, separated into pre-registered registrations and on-site registrations.