Free Requested Delivered Copies - Business Magazines
Free Requested Delivered Copies [Print/Digital]
A single free copy requested by and distributed to a known individual.
1. Single copy per issue, distributed to a known individual
2. Individual has personally requested to receive the publication
1. Single copy per issue, distributed to a known individual
You must be able to demonstrate the copy is distributed to the individual.
You must retain a list of individual recipients for one designated issue each reporting period (the Audit Issue – see General Principles and Record Keeping section). In addition, you must be able to recreate a list of any issue in the reporting period on request.
You cannot claim distribution of back issues.
2. Individual has personally requested to receive the publication
You must have third party evidence that the individual has, within the last five years, made a clear request to receive the publication before you send it to them.
Note: If you’re claiming digital copies, please also refer to the additional requirements in the Digital Copies section.
You will report free requested delivered copies as follows, which will be broken out on the ABC Certificate:
1. Audit Issue by geographical type:
United Kingdom
Other Countries
2. Audit Issue analysis by the age of requested copies from the date of the distribution of the Audit Issue in the following bands:
0 - 1 year
1 - 2 years
2 - 3 years
3 - 4 years
4 - 5 years
No additional guidance.