Publisher Controlled Direct Delivery - Regional Publications
Publisher Controlled Direct Delivery [Print only]
A single copy purchased by a consumer directly from the publisher for a contracted period, delivered to the consumer.
1. There must be a contractual arrangement between the consumer and the publisher
2. Single copy per issue, distributed to the consumer
3. Single copy knowingly paid for by the consumer
4. For a contracted period, and for a minimum number of issues (at least two)
1. There must be a contractual arrangement between the consumer and the publisher
No additional requirements.
2. Single copy per issue, distributed to the consumer
You must be able to demonstrate the copy is distributed to the consumer.
3. Single copy knowingly paid for by the consumer
You can claim copies where payment is outstanding as long as there are reasonable grounds to consider them to be live, good and collectable.
Where you offer an incentive that has a value equal to or greater than the full cover price of the publication over the offer period, you can only claim these copies if you do not make the refund directly or indirectly through a retailer or group of retailers who provide a publication home delivery service.
Where you make an incentive offer through the newstrade that refunds less than the full cover price of the publication you can only claim these copies if the refund is made directly from you to the consumer and not through any part of the supply chain (i.e. not through any home delivery agent, wholesaler or retailer). Note: The sale can originate either via direct publisher home delivery or through the retail trade.
Where you supply goods as part of an offer, the terms of that offer must:
Not offer a cash alternative to the goods
Not allow the consumer to redeem/obtain the goods from a retailer or group of retailers who provide a publication home delivery service.
4. For a contracted period, and for a minimum number of issues (at least two)
- You cannot claim sales of back issues.
5. Reported by geographical type
No additional requirements.
Average Publisher Controlled Direct Delivery per issue for the period [reported as Paid Subscription Copies] analysed by:
Breakout copies into:
- Single Copy Subscriptions, comprising:
- Single Copy Subscriptions
- Paid Employee Copies
- Publisher Controlled Direct Delivery (print only)
- Voucher Subscriptions (print only)
- All You Can Read Sales (digital only)
- Multiple Subscriptions (print only)
- Corporate Subscriptions (digital only)
G1. There must be a contractual arrangement between the consumer and the publisher
- You will need to provide evidence the consumer has contracted to purchase the publication, over what period and on what terms.
G2. Single copy per issue, distributed to the consumer
The copy will normally be delivered to the consumer’s home.
Usually the delivery is made via your own distribution agents, but in some cases you may arrange for a local newsagent to deliver the publication for you. Typically you will need:
Records to prove the quantities of publications sent in bulk to agents controlling home delivery areas.
Rounds records that are regularly updated which demonstrate the names and addresses of individual deliverers and details of the addresses being delivered to.
Records that enable you to reconcile the number of copies delivered and the cash value of the copies with the wages and/or subsidies to deliverers/agents, and the final banking figure.
If the delivery is made by a third party company whose normal business is single copy distribution (such as Royal Mail) then typically the evidence will include testing the payment of invoices and related advice notes sufficient to identify the publication, issue, quantities and date distributed.
G3. Single copy knowingly paid for by the consumer
Where payment is outstanding you may take into account the following in considering whether there are reasonable grounds to consider the debt to be live, good and collectable:
Publisher’s normal credit terms
Payment history
Credit control efforts
You should retain records that enable you to reconcile the number of copies delivered with cash taken, including records of debts written and authorities for write-offs.
[Where you offer an incentive that has a value equal to or greater than the full cover price of the publication over the offer period, you can only claim these copies if you do not make the refund directly or indirectly through a retailer or group of retailers who provide a publication home delivery service]. For example: You sell publications under a canvassing scheme to the value of £10 and give a £15 shopping voucher for ‘Superdrug’ to the consumer. You can claim these copies because currently ‘Superdrug’ does not provide a publication home delivery service.