We’re pleased to announce that we’ve launched a new, simplified data page that means - for the very first time - visitors to our website can access all current ABC data products in one easy-to-use table.

Alongside our traditional event audit, we now provide the same industry stamp of trust to online events.
Whether it be a conference, a webinar, an awards ceremony we can help.
The new Industry agreed standards are simple, quick and robust.
Media buyers have started poring over the long-awaited semi-annual circulation figures for consumer magazines, which most key publishers skipped last August due to the unprecedented impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Read on...
In this article, Newsworks shares insights from both RAMetrics and the IPA Databank study about using news brand platforms in ad campaigns. They report, for example, that using both print and digital news brands in a campaign mix have been shown to deliver almost three times as many business effects compared to campaigns using just one platform.
A recent report by UK communications regulator Ofcom states that, among adult internet users, traditional media sources (broadcasters, newspapers, radio) remain both the most-used and most important source of news and information about the pandemic. Read more...