In his new opinion piece for Mediatel, our Chief Executive Simon Redlich explains how, if we make use of all that JICs have to offer, perhaps the digital ‘JIC gap’ isn’t as big as it might appear.
DIARY Directory catches up with our Chief Executive Simon Redlich as part of their Industry Interviews series. Here he answers questions about ABC’s role in evaluating audience engagement, the most popular magazine genres and why print is still being valued by advertisers as a medium worth investing
We’re delighted to launch a new reporting option that will enhance the ability of media owners to show buyers the multi-platform reach of their brands using ABC data.
A new industry agreed ABC figure for the national newspaper sector clearly illustrates the scale of today’s printed newspaper market.
Global Media Hub is excited to announce that they have once again been accredited as a Bulk Distribution Associate by ABC, the UK JIC (Joint Industry Currency) for media measurement.
Media buyers may access more than 14,756 audited media brands across 19 countries