Our robust, comparable data provides trusted insights and gives media owners, buyers and planners the power to trade confidently.
ABC members and data subscribers can now access the December 2022 Consumer Media report

We’re pleased to announce that, via our Reporting Standards Groups, we’ve updated our Standards for a number of products, to offer greater flexibility in what media owners can report.

The reassuring value of published media brands
In her latest comment piece in The Media Leader, our Commercial Director Jan Pitt shares insights from media buyer and planners on why ABC data plays such an important role in the perceived value of published media.

The number of media buyers and planners that would pay more for independently audited media has grown, according to the results of our latest media buyer and planner research survey.
73% of respondents we surveyed in January 2022 agreed they would pay more for independently audited media, an increase of 3% compared to the results of a similar survey we conducted in 2019.