Our free interactive guide is designed to help you get to grips with online standards. Appearing in Mediatel News recently, our CEO Simon Redlich explains why: https://mediatel.co.uk/newsline/2019/09/10/in-pursuit-of-online-standards/
Leading industry owned auditor ABC confirms Comscore validated Campaign Essentials™ (vCE®) compliant with JICWEBS Viewability Principles
Comscore, a trusted partner for planning, transacting and evaluating media across platforms, is excited to announce that its validated Campaign Essentials™ (vCE®) solution is the first product to receive ABC certification for mobile web viewability, including for both display and video. The certification underscores Comscore’s commitment to providing advertisers, agencies and publishers with trusted data that drives informed transactions in the market.
In his new opinion piece for Mediatel, our Chief Executive Simon Redlich explains how, if we make use of all that JICs have to offer, perhaps the digital ‘JIC gap’ isn’t as big as it might appear.
ABC conducts first ever mobile web viewability audit to JICWEBS Standards
Today, Comscore’s vCE product became the first to be certified to JICWEBS’ Viewability Principles for mobile web, following successful completion of our audit.
The JICWEBS Viewability Principles apply to products reporting the opportunity to see banner and video content in both desktop and mobile environments. Comscore’s new certificate demonstrates that their vCE solution is capable of counting viewable impressions in mobile web environments, in accordance with these Principles.
DIARY Directory catches up with our Chief Executive Simon Redlich as part of their Industry Interviews series. Here he answers questions about ABC’s role in evaluating audience engagement, the most popular magazine genres and why print is still being valued by advertisers as a medium worth investing
We’re delighted to launch a new reporting option that will enhance the ability of media owners to show buyers the multi-platform reach of their brands using ABC data.